at Haarlem Artspace

today at 18.30 GMT

Free tickets:…/woven-ground-weaving… Geoff Diego Litherland, Angharad Mclaren, Helena Loermans and Marta Pokojowczyk discuss making and painting handwoven canvasses. Helena Loermans is a weaver who has been researching and recreating some of the canvasses that Velasquez, El Greco and others painted on, what’s unique about her work and research is that these canvasses have often been intricately patterned fabrics. She has been skilfully recreating these for conservation reasons and has worked with museums worldwide, uncovering a lost craft along the way. Loermans has also been collaborating with artist Marta Pokojowczyk in exploring the relationship to her canvasses and painting. Concurrent to Loermans research and practice Litherland and McLaren have been developing their own patterned woven canvasses to paint on, one of the focuses of the work is to highlight the importance and materiality of the fabric support for the painting. The event will include two short presentations from the artists before an in conversation where parallels will be discussed between the work, as well as the importance of learning from history and understanding and revisiting craft practices. Chaired by Haarlem Artspace Co – Director Catherine Rogers with time for audience questions.Thanks to Haarlem Artspace for inviting me