-Automated Thread Count analyses

“Evidence Unraveled, 17th-Century Canvas Exposes”

a very interesting project in Museum Bussemakerhuis in The Netherlands! https://www.museumbussemakerhuis.nl/…/ontrafeld…/…

It is about the reconstruction of a plain weave canvas from the 17th century.

Density of warp and weft has been found by Automated Thread Counting software.

“Automatic thread counting software, developed by Professors Don H. Johnson (Rice University) and Professor C. Richard Johnson, Jr. (Cornell University) provides thread counts, referred to here as thread density, covering the entire painting. These density measurements have proven to be far more informative than spot counts, even highlighting the potential inaccuracy of manual spot counts. (source: https://www.ece.rice.edu/~dhj/TCAP/ITC.html

Automated Thread Counting analyses can create “Thread Density- and Thread Angle Maps” which lead to finding spots in the canvas where “cusping” and “weft snakes”, a subtle cusping-like feature, become visible. (between others)

My curiosity to seeing if this software would provide the information about thread count in canvases with a complex woven pattern has lead to a pilot trial with Professor Don H. Johnson at rice University.

“The current algorithm does have trouble with “fancy” weave patterns, like diamond. In most cases, the analysis of twill and herringbone is possible. A lot depends on the quality of the x-rays.

But there is hope for an improved thread counting algorithm !”

I would love to discuss this topic with both textile- and computer engineering lovers!