Caravaggio, Crucifixion of Saint Andrew

The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew (1606-07)

Cleveland Museum of Art

Caravaggio painted The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew (1606-7) on a canvas with a woven pattern
The painting is in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art

superimposition, not to scale

The story started with the discovery of an application where Dean Yoder, Conservator of Painings explains the restauration of this painting. It shows an X-ray image with a pattern of the canvas.

A high quality X-ray images allowed me to decipher the pattern

X-radiograph courtesy of Cleveland Museum of Art
The Crucifixion of Saint Andrew

handmade drawing of the repeat of the pattern 2017

review of the x-ray image 2022
review of the x-ray image 2022

Weave draft, computer generated in Weavelt, a handweaving design software program.

weave draft
13 shafts
13 treadles
88 warp ends
88 weft passes

reconstruction in progress