Titian workshop, Venus and Adonis

Titian workshop Venus and Adonis (1554-6)

National Gallery London NG34

National Gallery Technical Bulletin, Volume 36

handwoven reconstruction of the canvas
14 shafts 14 threadles
warp repeat 82 threads
weft repeat 14 threads
18-19 threads/cm warp
17 threads/cm weft

my analyses of this image of the painting revealed that the pattern is woven on an M W threading and is therefore not an (as published in the National Gallery Technical Bulletin Volume 36…)“unusual chevron twill weave or a wide herringbone but with little zigzag at the end of the ‘spine’ “

“Venus and Adonis” NG34 (1540), a painting in The National Gallery in London, atributed to Titian workshop

Weave draft generated in Weavelt software developed to interface with computer-aided handlooms@ Lab O..


Find the connection with the canvas of Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos.


Titian Venus and Adonis (1540)

Metropolitan Museum New York

painted on a canvas in plain weave